Saturday, April 12, 2008

Two Books

I ran across two books that would be worth checking out:

1) Conceiving Parenthood: American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction, by Amy Laura Hall. Biotechnology has made the "designer baby" possible. Hall looks at the role of mainline Protestantism in fueling our desire for uber-children. Sounds intriguing.

2) The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-Lovers, Marketers, and Emergents in the Postmodern World, by David F. Wells. It sounds like this may cap Wells' corpus on evangelicalism and contemporary culture (But I thought Above All Earthly Pow'rs did, so who knows). I thoroughly enjoy Wells' writing. Like bubblegum, his books take years to digest. Unlike bubblegum, the pilgrim wearied by life in the modern (purportedly postmodern) world can find sustenance with Wells' writing.

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