Friday, November 20, 2009

The Snuggie and the shortcomings of capitalism

Capitalism is not perfect. In his look at the religious and spiritual lives of American teenagers, Christian Smith considers mass-consumer capitalism as one of the formidable cultural factors shaping teenage (and adult, for that matter) spirituality. Smith says,

"Capitalism as a system must ever grow or it will die. The intrinsic problem in capitalism's logic, however, is that actual human needs are somewhat limited and modest: it takes only so many goods and services to sustain a healthy, potentially satisfying human life. For mass-consumer capitalism to forever grow, therefore, it must constitute masses of people as consumer selves who misrecognize new wants as essential needs, whose basic sense of necessity always expands. Consumer demand must always escalate if capitalism is to succeed." (178, Soul Searching)

Enter the Snuggie. This product is a symbol of just how far this capitalistic enterprise has taken us. It is a testimony of our frailty as humans that the Snuggie exists (and the Snuggie Puppy for those pet lovers out there). And there are other products. Jerry Seinfeld recalled being up late one night thinking that he could use the Ginsu Knive because he didn't have any kitchen knives that could cut through boots.

The Christian's task in the midst of all this is to remember that Christ alone will satisfy. Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee, as Augustine famously said. Consider how the gospel might satisfy the needs stirred up by advertising (for more on this I recommend Sam Van Eman's On Earth As It Is in Advertising? Moving from Commercial Hype to Gospel Hope)


Shaun said...

This is a great article. It is easy to get lost within capitalism and forget where our focus should be.


Casey Shutt said...

thanks shaun. You're right, the temptation is a perennial one. At the very least, I think the Smith quote reminds us that we are a part of a system that often appeals to sinful desires such as covetousness. It doesn't mean the system should be overthrown. I don't see any better alternatives this side of heaven--I don't think communism is a good alternative at all. It does mean that we Christians should learn to live uniquely within the system, finding ways to point out its shortcomings.

Shaun said...

Yes, very well said.

I, too, believe capitalism is the best system that anyone has discovered/used insofar.

But, you're right. Just as capitalism does not equal Christian the reverse is likewise.

Capitalism means we are governed by competition under supply and demand.

Being Christian means we live under the laws of justice, mercy and grace.
