Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tim Keller on preaching gospel

Too often 'gospel-centered' preaching simply means the most simplified version of the gospel tacked on to the end of a sermon which serves as a mere obligatory preface to the altar call. And, of course, this gospel message is intended only for nonbelievers; Christians begin to contemplate lunch plans at this point in the sermon. Tim Keller is a master at weaving the gospel into every sermon and exploring the riches and depth of that gospel in a way that grabs nonChristians and nourishes Christians, both young and old.

Here is a helpful video on the topic from Keller:

Tim Keller - Preaching the Gospel from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.

There are other videos at vimeo from the same conference.

The beginning of this session Keller further explains gospel-centered preaching:

Tim Keller - The City from Newfrontiers on Vimeo.


Dave said...

excellent stuffs. Some of us amateurs will try to emulate that in Asia :)

Casey Shutt said...

glad they were of help!