Monday, December 8, 2008

"Lost and Saved on Television"

Writing in the Catholic periodical First Things, Ross Douthat is encouraged by the spiritual overtones that lace a good amount of television programming. Douthat acknowledges that at one time religion was a key contender in the battle to keep the airwaves and television free of bawdiness. That battle, Douthat admits, has been lost largely because of "Technological change" that proliferated mediums and outlets making it more difficult to regulate the content of programs. Yet Douthat encourages any that are battle-weary because "there are opportunities in defeat as well as victory, and places where new life can spring up amidst the ruins". Citing the spiritual and moral overtones of American shows like Battlestar Galactica, Lost, and The Sopranos, Douthat sees it as advantageous for Christians to engage in this "riotous marketplace".

Read the article here.

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