Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Big Picture

For so long I read the Bible as a series of isolated stories with minimal connection to one another. All the stories were consistent in their insistence that we serve God and neighbor, but that was about it.

As I progressed through my seminary studies I began to see remarkable connectedness to the Bible. There are many ways to break down the overarching story of the Bible, but here are two:

1) Genesis 1-11 poses the question of how restoration might come.
2) Genesis 12-Revelation 22 answers that question.

Or, put more simply:

1) Genesis 1-11-the problem.
2) Genesis 12-Revelation 22-the solution.

The glue, of course, holding the whole book (and not to mention the whole universe!) together is Jesus Christ.

1 comment:

Jonathan Dodson said...

I agree, it so easy to read the Bible in bits and pieces instead of a literary whole, which is why biblical theology is such a wonderful contribution to the church.

In introducing Colossians last Sunday I lingered on this a bit, discussing the narrative sub-structure of Colossians, which is informed by 6 major, overlapping stories: Creation, Fall, Israel, Jesus, Church, New Creation.